Gambling Industry Association Advertising

Please note that these are paid advertisements and do not reflect whether an Affiliate Program carries our seal of approval or not. Click here to view our list of Approved Casino Affiliate Programs. Also note that all forums are free to use by Affiliate Programs. Note - even private forums are free to use. As with advertising, forums are NOT reflective of who carries a G.I.A. seal of approval and who does not.


Please note that the following prices are subject to change at any time but once you have secured a price, it will remain fixed for the prepaid period so in the event that you prepay for a year, you will have secured the price for a year. Note that all banners must be purchased for a minimum of 3 months and must be prepaid. We will allow any one program to purchase up to 5 banners in a rotator. Please note that WE will serve the banners. You will be provided with activity reports every month.


The website makes use of 4 banner rotators. The prices are set out below together with the rules pertaining to the banner set:

  • Top banner (468 x 60) - There will be a maximum of 30 banners in the rotation. Cost is $80 per month per banner.
  • Three box banners (125 x 125) on the right hand side. A maximum of 20 banners in each of the three rotations. Cost is $60 per month per banner.


The forum makes use of a top and a bottom banner rotator. The prices are set out below together with the rules pertaining to each banner set:

  • Public Forums Top banner (468 x 60) - Maximum 30 banners in rotation (remember that a program can buy up to 5 in the rotator). Cost $100 per banner per month.
  • Public Forums Bottom banner (468 x 60) - Maximum 30 banners in rotation (remember that a program can buy up to 5 in the rotator). Cost $60 per banner per month.


Something different for a change. Are you unhappy with a private forum that has a banner rotator showing opposition advertisements? Well, it's smile time. Yes indeed, you can now buy your own private forum banners. The forums are of course free, but there is a cost attached to securing the banners:

  • Private Forum Top banner (468 x 60) - No rotator script. $35 per month.
  • Private Forum Bottom banner (468 x 60) - No rotator script. $25 per month.


With the G.I.A. still being new, we will only pursue other means of advertising in the future. When a new form of advertising becomes available, you will be informed by e-mail.